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We can connect you with project architects, structural engineers, manufacturers or installers in the WikiHouse network.

When to use this service

You can use this service at any point during a project, whether it's just an initial idea, or you are ready to manufacture and build your scheme.

How it works

  1. Contact us about your project.
  2. We will usually respond within a few days. In some cases we may be able to suggest potential providers immediately. In other cases we may line up a video call.
  3. If we are unable to connect you with any providers at the moment, we will let you know, and give you guidance about who you will need to find and how we can work with them.
  4. We will give you information about potential providers and, if you want to, approach them for a quote on your behalf.

What's not included

At present we can only provide this service in countries where there are already manufacturers and engineers in the WikiHouse network. If your project is located somewhere else, you can still use WikiHouse, but you will need to find a CNC manufacturer and a structural engineer who are interested in working with WikiHouse. They can contact us, and we will provide them with free support to get them started with WikiHouse.

You will need

- Your location

- Information about your project

- Any existing drawings or models you may already have will also be very helpful.

If you're interested in this service, or you're wondering about whether WikiHouse is right for your project, get in touch.
Contact us about your project