Chassis design

Based on your design, we can develop a precise 3D model, materials list, cutting files and assembly manual for your WikiHouse chassis (the raw structure).
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Anyone, anywhere
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Custom blocks

If your project requires blocks that don't exist in the WikiHouse library yet, or R&D to develop new WikiHouse solutions, we can work with you and your team to develop them.
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Available to
Anyone, anywhere
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Structural pre-check

We cannot certify your structure, but we can carry out a structural pre-check, producing a full set of calculations and guidance that will make it easy for your structural engineer to sign-off your project, even if they are not familiar with WikiHouse.
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Available to
Anyone using our chassis design service
Quote on request

Building type design

We can work with you to develop a standard, replicable building type that you can customise and use on your projects.
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Available to
Anyone, anywhere
Quote on request

Delivery guidance

We can help provide guidance on the best way to plan and procure larger projects or building programmes, including setting-up local supply chains.
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Available to
Organisations only, anywhere
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If you're interested in any of these services, or you're wondering about whether WikiHouse is right for your project, get in touch.
Contact us about your project